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Free shipping in Italy for orders over €59

Shipping information

Shipping through Shipping Partners !
The Company has signed commercial agreements with some express couriers, the "Shipping Partners". By virtue of these contractual relationships, the Company offers the Sellers, at a competitive shipping cost both in Italy and abroad in the European territory, the option of making use of an automated shipping service throughout the European Union which includes (i) the confirmation of the purchase order, (ii) the creation of the transport document, (iii) the shipment and (iv) the management of the product return service in the event of faults and/or defects communicated within 8 ( eight) days from acceptance and accepted or, where applicable, in case of exercising the right of withdrawal within 14 (fourteen) days from delivery of the product. !

As of now, the Company reserves the right to change the Shipping Partners at its sole discretion and at any time.

For Sellers who decide to make use of Shipping Partners upon acceptance of the purchase order by the Seller, the Seller shall: !

(i) prepare the package for shipment using the necessary care to guarantee the integrity of the same and of the products contained and observing (i) the packaging standards provided by the Shipping Partners (the "Packaging Standards") available at the following link and (ii) the “Shipping Fresh” guide prepared by the Company for shipping perishable products;

(ii) print the waybill(s) available for download in your private area of ​​the B2C Platform; !
(iii) apply the waybills to the packages to be shipped and deliver the packages to the appointed carrier.

Based on the parcel collection area indicated, as they are extra-urban, rural, poorly served or in any case not served by shippers on a daily basis, there may be delays in collecting the parcels from the addresses indicated by the Seller. !

The appointed Shipping Partner will collect the package from the Seller and ship it according to the delivery times indicated from time to time. The B2C Buyer and the Seller will have the right to monitor the progress of the shipment of the purchase order through the respective tracking code.

Starting from the date of delivery of the products to the B2C Buyer, any risk related to it will no longer be attributable to the Seller (eg: bad or unsuitable storage).

In the event that the goods purchased by the B2C Buyer arrive late, more than 24 hours with respect to the delivery date reported at the time of finalizing the sale, which in any case is never considered peremptory and/or essential, or are damaged ( for reasons other than packaging that does not comply with the Packaging Standards) and/or lost, the B2C Buyer must notify the Company's support team of the event within 24 hours following delivery, so that the latter can activate the liability of the carrier pursuant to and by effect of articles 1683 et seq. CC and in particular the articles 1693 and 1696 of the Civil Code. The notification must be made using the guided procedure present in the reserved area of ​​each B2C Buyer. The Company will not be responsible for any rejection of any claim for compensation against the carrier and/or for other forfeitures, including in the event of late reporting by the B2C Buyer.

In relation to the shipping service, it is expressly understood that in no event can the Company be held responsible for any expenses, costs or damages (direct and/or indirect and/or for loss of profit) suffered by the Registered User who makes use of the shipping service referred to in this paragraph and in particular cannot be held responsible for (i) delivery errors due to inaccuracies or incompleteness in completing the purchase order by the B2C Buyer, (ii) any damage to the products following delivery to the carrier in charge of transporting the same, also following packaging that does not comply with the standards indicated therein, (iii) loss or theft of the products as well as (iv) delays in the collection or delivery of the products both towards the Sellers and the B2C buyers.

The Company may apply a surcharge to the list price applied by the Shipping Partners to cover any higher expenses related to the shipment itself, as the cost incurred by the Company for the shipment may be greater than the cost of the shipment shown to and paid by the B2C Buyer.

The higher costs chargeable to the Seller may be: (i) optional (selectable ex ante by the counterparties) and will be included in the order summary displayed to the B2C Buyer; (ii) supplementary (ie not calculable ex ante) to be paid by the Company; (iii) costs resulting from causes attributable to the Seller, or delays caused by the Seller, oversized parcels, extra-weight parcels, attributable to the Seller and deducted from the amount that the Company makes available to the same from the sale price.

Free Shipping !
The Seller will have the right, in order to increase its sales volumes, to offer B2C Buyers free shipping only for purchase orders equal to or greater than Euro 50.00. The shipping cost of the products chargeable to the Seller who takes advantage of the free shipping through the Shipping Partners is the competitive cost published directly on the Site. !

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For technical updates, shipments will be made from Monday 05 February. We apologize for the inconvenience.

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Although Opificio Fred srl spirits and liqueurs are natural and made with hand-grown and hand-picked Italian botanicals, you must be of legal age to consume alcohol and to access this website (+18)


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