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Free shipping in Italy for orders over €59

Ribolla Gialla Spumante

Coda delle More

Regular price €10,50

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Di colore giallo paglierino, talvolta con riflessi verdognoli, è un vino dai profumi fini, minerali, con note fruttate affilate ed eleganti. Dal perlage fine e consistente con catenelle lunghe e eleganti. Glicine, tiglio e agrumi sono i tratti distintivi. Uno spumante dal perfetto equilibrio

Under normal conditions, the delivery time in Italy is 24/48h from the moment the order is taken over in the warehouse, which takes place within 24h from the order placed on the site.

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For technical updates, shipments will be made from Monday 05 February. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Are you at least 18 years old?

Although Opificio Fred srl spirits and liqueurs are natural and made with hand-grown and hand-picked Italian botanicals, you must be of legal age to consume alcohol and to access this website (+18)


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