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Opificio Fred Srl

Business name

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Opificio Fred Srl

Personal data

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Registered office address : Travesio (PN), 33090, Via Roma, 6
PEC address:
REA number: PN-107179
Tax code and registration no. to the Company Register: 01820710935
VAT number: 01820710935
Legal form: Limited liability company

The company in numbers

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Share capital: 12,338.99 euros fully paid
Members: 153
Administrators: 1
Auditors and supervisory bodies: no

Information from the statute/deed of incorporation

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Date of incorporation: 14/03/2017, at the notary's office
Registered in the Genoa Company Register: Ordinary section since 03/17/2017
Business Register Tax code and registration number: 01820710935
Registration date: 03/27/2017
Sections: Registered in the ORDINARY section
Administration system: single administrator

Corporate purpose

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The company's object is the production and retail and wholesale trade of wines, vermouth, liqueurs, sparkling wines, syrups, spirits and similar, beverages in general, aromatic herbs, flavored substances and extracts both in Italy and abroad... powers by statute: the administrative body, in accordance with its structure established by the shareholders, with the appointment decision, is invested with the broadest powers for the ordinary and extraordinary management of the company, and has the right to carry out all the actions it deems appropriate for implementation and ... other statutory references: PMI requirements declaration



+39 04341838392

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For technical updates, shipments will be made from Monday 05 February. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Are you at least 18 years old?

Although Opificio Fred srl spirits and liqueurs are natural and made with hand-grown and hand-picked Italian botanicals, you must be of legal age to consume alcohol and to access this website (+18)


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