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An international taste with an all-Italian heart

Federico Cremasco brings the union between past and future to the world, with flavours born from a passion for his own territory and the wise artisan gestures of the past that are revived every day in the Opificio Fred in Polcenigo, in the heart of Friuli.

Italy is known worldwide for its excellent cuisine, wine and spirits. Being an ambassador of the Italian taste of spirits in the world means carrying forward the tradition and history of our country, promoting the excellence and quality of our products internationally. An ancient tradition that in Polcenigo, in the province of Pordenone, in Friuli-Venezia Giulia, was preserved in an ancient herbarium from 1946 on which Federico began to experiment and work. The result is Opificio Fred, the company specialized in the production of Italian artisanal spirits.

After all, Italian liqueurs are an integral part of our culture and tradition and represent the art and mastery of the artisans who produce them. Herbalist by day and alchemist by night, Federico is the guardian of a unique history like his creations with a distinctive and inimitable taste.

The diffusion of our products abroad helps to make our culture and identity known and to promote Made in Italy worldwide. Being an ambassador of the Italian taste of liqueurs is therefore an important and significant task. Not only does it promote our culture and identity, but it also helps to spread the quality and food safety standards for Italian liqueurs worldwide. In this way, we can continue to promote the tradition and history of our country and to make the excellence of our products known internationally.

When you taste a Gin 43, a Vermouth 25 or a Bitter 34, the liqueur trio, rather than the Fernet 25 Chestnut Barrel or the new line of Alkemil liqueurs composed of Imperial Curaçao, Bergamot Rosolio, Crème de Cassis, Cherry Ratafia, Maraschino, Creme Violette and Alchermes, you are not just tasting a liqueur or a cocktail, but also a territory, an ancient history and culture, renewed by the creativity of an innovator like Federico, capable of combining the study of tradition with the desire to experiment, to design from a new perspective to create something original and new.

Opificio Fred is mentioned in these books:

Applied Gineria

"G Ingegneria Applicata" is a project that was born with the ambition of offering the reader a contemporary, and as complete as possible, photograph of the world of Italian Gins. In a moment of profound expansion of the Craft Spirits, Lorenzo Borgianni, famous online as "Il GEngineer", accompanies us in the discovery of colonial and medical histories, between botanicals and spices, territories and friendships, traditions and revolutions, with the aim of identify 100 unmissable Gins that characterize our country from north to south, without forgetting the islands. Alongside him on this journey are the pens of two sector journalists, Federico Silvio Bellanca and Giacomo Iacobellis, as well as the illustrations of TheAnimismus. A book to read all in one sip, or to savor one page at a time, just like a gin and tonic.

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A book born out of a lucky meeting between Samuele Ambrosi, an award-winning international barman with great experience and a sparkling curriculum, Maurizio Maestrelli, an appreciated journalist and author of volumes on beer and the world of spirits in general, and Serena Conti, a refined illustrator and designers with collaborations that go far beyond the Italian borders.
A book that tells all the charm of gin, a distillate with a long history and immense popularity. Never before has it reached unthinkable heights. A seduction that goes beyond aromas and flavours, beyond technical characteristics and production systems. Behind it there are stories and anecdotes, events that led to its birth or that have affected its evolution, contaminations with politics and the economy and, again, more detailed, but no less fascinating episodes, linked to personalities famous, were these writers, actors, directors, politicians or who knows what else. And it is the knowledge of this "backstage" that makes every sip of gin an emotion and enriches the harmony of the infinite cocktails it brings to life. Realizing this means better understanding the reasons for the real renaissance of mixology and the renewed interest in gin. A distillate on which, today, you have the definitive book in your hands.

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Book Applied Engineering 2.0 by Lorenzo Borgianni

A sort of "tour of Italy" among the best gins in circulation: three years after the first edition, Genergia Applicata 2.0 (ed, Il Forchettiere, 228 pages, 15 euros) by the influencer Lorenzo Borgianni, known - and following, given the over 100 thousand followers on Instagram - as "Il Gingegnere"

-15% discount for those who stop by the store.

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Although Opificio Fred srl spirits and liqueurs are natural and made with hand-grown and hand-picked Italian botanicals, you must be of legal age to consume alcohol and to access this website (+18)


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