Natural product from infusion of bitter oranges and spices
It is sweet, but in perfect balance with the bitter and spicy flavors. Thickness, warmth, roundness and the right bitter shoulder make it a superior triple sec, a liqueur that almost has the dignity of a top-class distillate.
Citrus fruits traditionally pair with the more tenacious floral and resinous notes found in oriental fragrances, but they also combine perfectly with other fruity notes. Excellent to drink alone, preferably cold or with ice, along with dessert. The essential ingredient for creating unforgettable and substantial cocktails. The base especially for classic cocktails such as White Lady, Margarita and Cosmopolitan.
According to an ancient Italian recipe from 1882, with a touch of modernity; contains no chemical additives.
What are the delivery times?
Under normal conditions, the delivery time in Italy is 24/48h from the moment the order is taken over in the warehouse, which takes place within 24h from the order placed on the site.